

Kvass is really similar to kombucha in that it’s a lightly fermented beverage. Kvass is originally from Eastern Europe and made from rye bread. I tried my first Kvass in Gdansk, Poland and it was super malty but effervescent. My parents grew up drinking it instead of soda. Really fun to try. This version, found in health food stores, is made with carrot and beet cultures and then flavored with juices. 

What makes Kvass so good is that they use seven of the most-studied strains of beneficial plant-based probiotics. They don't include yeast and don't produce alcohol or funky vinegary flavors. Really good for your gut health. 

Go ahead and give it a try, you’ll love it! 

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About: I’m Karolina Rzadkowolska

Hey there! I teach online courses and workshops for women and men who want to see what they are capable of without drinking and build the alcohol-free life of their dreams. I host a podcast called Euphoric the Podcast with my co-host Danielle Baldino where we talk about the amazing joys of alcohol-free life. Come join the conversation and subscribe.

