Episode 90: One Alcohol-Free Day Away From Massive Transformation

Episode 90 One Alcohol-Free Day Away.png

Did you know you’re just one alcohol-free day away from massive transformation? 

In today’s episode of Euphoric The Podcast, Karolina shares what the first six months of her alcohol-free journey were like and the incredible epiphanies she had along the way. As her beliefs shifted month-to-month, she began to discover the incredible life that was possible for her. Listen to discover what could be possible for you and how Euphoric AF is about more than being alcohol-free. It’s about uncovering your most incredible life!
Karolina’s new book Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You, made bestseller status on Amazon! Pre-order today and get these amazing bonuses: The Life-Changing Magic Of Taking A Break masterclass series, A Foodies Guide To Mocktails recipe book, How To Rock A Party Alcohol-Free ebook, a companion journal to work through as you're reading the book, access to a private community, and 50 Things To Do Instead Of Drinking checklist.

What makes euphoric different?

As I’ve journeyed through the process of writing my book Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You, I’ve had the opportunity to really reflect on what Euphoric means and why it’s different from other programs out there.

What makes Euphoric and our program Become Euphoric different from these other opportunities?

Euphoric is about so much more than being alcohol-free! When you change your relationship with alcohol, it opens the door for going after your biggest dreams. It creates space for you to experience life in the fullest way!

The alcohol-free journey lends to epiphanies and life changing moments that help you discover a deeper connection with your intuition, confidence, and new experiences.

Today I’m sharing five major epiphanies I had within my first six months. Each one was an evolution of my mind and wouldn’t have happened if I stopped my AF journey early. 

Back in 2017, I read a magazine article about a woman who considered herself a moderate and normal drinker. She explained how after a night out she would get hangovers and feel unmotivated. Then she decided to participate in Dry January.

At the end of the month she felt so amazing, she made the decision to be alcohol-free. This was the first time I saw a “normal” drinker look at their relationship with alcohol, giving me permission to do the same.

This article gave me the epiphany that I too could go alcohol-free, and that it could be an amazing experience.

beginning to believe, “I could do that too”

After participating in my first Dry January, I made the decision to start drinking again which came with another powerful epiphany.

Up until this alcohol-free month, I had never had an experience of taking a break from drinking. When I brought alcohol back into my life again that February, I realized how miserable drinking made me feel. My sleep was disrupted; I was frustrated and cranky. I was even picking fights with my husband.

Before February even ended, I decided to take a break from drinking again. This time I had another realization: there must be tools and resources out there to help me, I just need to find them.

This shift in thinking was huge! From 2013 to 2017 I had tried to change my relationship with alcohol, but I was always doing it on my own! I realized I wasn’t a failure, I just didn’t have the right tools. 

Have you tried to quit alcohol in the past, or struggle with taking a break from alcohol? That’s okay! It doesn’t mean you're a failure, it means you don’t have the right tools, resources, or framework to best support you in your journey.

As I ventured into the alcohol-free world, I discovered these incredible guides, living without alcohol and on fire for life.

This brought about another epiphany! Not only could I take a break and love it, not only are there so many supportive tools out there, but the coolest people on the planet don't drink and are doing amazing things because of that.

So what if I could be one of those people? What if YOU could be one of those people?

One AF day away from massive transformation

I was two months into my alcohol-free journey while on a work trip in Hawaii. I was waking up to watch the sunrise, doing yoga on the beach, and also reading The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober by Catherine Gray.

It was on the beach in Hawaii that my next epiphany came. What if I could write a book about my experience being alcohol-free? It’s at that moment that the word Euphoric came to me. 

At three months into my journey, I got out of my comfort zone and attended an alcohol-free meet-up, where I serendipitously met Danielle, the co-host of this podcast. We clicked instantly and began developing a friendship. A few weeks later, she announced on Facebook that she was now alcohol-free and had launched a blog to share about it.

If Danielle could launch a website and share her story, why couldn’t I? I began researching websites and what other people were using. I decided to go for it. 

Now five months alcohol-free and living with a belief that I could never start a business, I launched our University's Small Business Development Center, almost completely by myself.

The resulting epiphany? Why don’t I write a business plan and submit it? I didn’t even know if I would be successful, but I just took it one step at a time.

Here’s what’s most important about all of these epiphanies. Over these six months of being alcohol-free, the realizations I had at six months would never have been possible without if I started drinking again. 

I had to keep going on my alcohol-free journey in order to have these alluring, unexpected epiphanies.

If you are at the beginning of your alcohol-free journey my friend, keep going. I believe in you and I’m rooting for you. As you follow the path of personal growth like the guides and mentors before you, you will find your next big epiphany and you will start this beautiful new trajectory of a life that you never imagined.

Euphoric AF is different from other programs because we want you to discover your passion and a new sense of purpose so that you feel empowered in your new identity. We want you to see that because you're a non-drinker, you can now go after things that weren't possible before.

“Tomorrow or the next day might be the day that you have a huge epiphany about what's possible for your life. And the only way you're going to be able to have that epiphany is if you continue to choose alcohol-free and growing yourself.” Karolina Rzadkowolska


Pre-order your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and learn about the incredible BONUSES that go along with it!

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Karolina Rzadkowolska